Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Dad records 'ghost' in deserted playground

A man and his three kids were left shocked after a swing started moving erratically all on its own.
Scotty Denton had been taking his children to a playground in Warwick, Rhode Island last month when they discovered that one of the swings there had taken on a life of its own.

Despite the almost complete lack of wind and with the other swings barely moving at all, the large blue swing in the otherwise deserted playground was rocking erratically back and forth and side to side without any sign of slowing down.

"We're in the playground and the kids don't want to go anymore because look at this," said Denton. "This is real, look at this. There's nobody on it, there's no wind."

The video, which was originally posted on Facebook, has so far accumulated over 4.5 million views.

Could something paranormal be at work or is there a more rational explanation ? You decide.

Story and source: Unexplained Mysteries

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