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Monday, 17 October 2016

Mysterious 'ghost ship' spotted shimmering on a lake

You're at Lake Superior in Michigan, one of the mighty Great Lakes stretching between the US and Canada. You look out across the water and a ghostly object appears above the gentle waves looking like it wandered out of the special effects studio for "Pirates of the Caribbean." YouTube user Jason Asselin posted a fascinating video capturing just such a sight on Monday.

What is it? The Detroit Free Press isn't making any guesses, but it does say the Great Lakes contain more than 6,000 shipwrecks. Asselin writes, "Saturday evening far off coast from Marquette, Michigan, appeared this mysterious ship that had to be gigantic! Almost as if a ghost ship was showing itself to the world...Even if it was a ship, what could be that tall in these choppy waves?" That's a lot more likely than a supernatural boat.

Is it a phantom of a tall ship? A demon haunting the waters? Never fear. YouTube comment detectives are here to help us sort this mystery out. The wavering object may actually be the Granite Island Lighthouse, which features several tall structures.

This isn't the first "ghost ship" to make an appearance this year. In June, we witnessed video of a rare mirage masquerading as a ship on the horizon. The Michigan video is no more a real ghost ship than that optical illusion, but it's still fun to let the imagination run wild.

Story and source: cnet

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Mum photographs 'GHOST' at Birmingham Back to Backs museum

It may look like a simple shadow – but a stunned mum believes this picture shows a GHOST at a Birmingham tourist attraction.

Ella Reeve said she felt “icy cold” as she took the snap during a guided tour of the historic Back to Backs in the city centre .

The image showed a shadow in a bedroom – but the 30-year-old said there was no-one else in the room and the shadow did not fall on the nearby bed.

Ella said she hoped the shadow was that of her late grandfather, a Second World War veteran.

He died aged 93 two years ago – and used to live in a similar back-to-back house.

The mother-of-two was also carrying a picture of her grandad when she took the photo.

“After taking a picture of a specific room, I felt icy cold,” she said.

“Later, I realised there was a shadow in the picture.

“This picture was weird because there was nobody else in the room and you can’t see the shadow on the bed.”

Ella also snapped what she claimed was a “misty cloud” in a kitchen during her tour of the National Trust-run attraction – the last surviving court of back to-back houses in Birmingham.

She said: “I wasn’t thinking about ghosts in either room but I looked at that picture and saw a cloud – I became scared.

“I know it sounds far-fetched but I hoped the shadow, which resembles a man’s body, was my grandfather.

“My grandfather was a really honest and respectable man and I’m very curious about the room.

“I want to return to do a candlelit tour – I’m scared but I think it’s fascinating.”

Ella, from Wolverhampton , said the photo was just the latest sign she believed she had received from her grandad.

She said: “On the day he died, my step-dad called to let me know and I was heartbroken.

“I had awoken an hour earlier with a horrible feeling.

“When I went to my back garden afterwards, I looked up to the sky and said: ‘Grandad if you’re okay, show me a sign’.

“A white feather dropped on my lap.

“Before an operation in September 2015, I saw a white feather on the hospital’s bathroom floor.

“I wondered where it had come from as there were no windows in the room.”

Ella said she also had a spooky experience at Dudley Castle as a teenager.

She said: “I think I was 18 at the time.

“While I was touring I heard someone yell: ‘Stop!’.

“I looked up and saw a man I believed to be one of the castle’s actors dressed in a 15th-century outfit.

“But later that day, when I told the tour guide that I had seen an actor, she said they did not have actors that day.”

Story and source: Birmingham Mail

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Corpse Of Girl, St Innocence, ‘Opens Her Eyes’ In Freaky Video

A video appearing to show the 300-year-old corpse of a young girl opening its eyes has got people just a little bit weirded out.

According to legend, St Innocence was stabbed to death by her father when he found her performing First Communion with local nuns behind his back having previously forbidden her from practising Catholicism.

Since her murder, the preserved remains of the little girl have been displayed in the Cathedral of Guadalajara in Jalisco in Mexico, where tourists can pay their respects to her.

Shot in 2012, the clip has recently gained traction on YouTube prompting a mixture of disbelief and deep scepticism.

According to the post, the person who shot the video was unaware of what they’d captured until they viewed it later.

Viewer’s reactions were mixed...

“Yes, it looks like her eyes open towards the end of the video but how can it be possible?”

“The devil wants to impress.”

As well as lots of people simply saying: “Fake”.

Story and source: Huffington Post

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Ghost of a Young Boy Captured Peeking from Tree in St. Augustine, Florida

Sometimes ghosts show up in the strangest places. They walk up stairs that no longer exist, disappear through walls, and occasionally, they even appear in trees. That’s where a group of tourists spotted a lingering spirit in a St. Augustine cemetery, and they managed to snap a pretty spooky photo of the phantom.

Arturo P. wrote in to Week in Weird to share the story, and included a couple strange photos of the alleged spirit, but he wants to know  – is it real?

Full story and source: Week In Weird